In May of 1948, the first Mother’s Day offering was received from the churches of the Virginia Annual Conference to support the Methodist Home for the Aged. This special offering called Virginia Methodists to offer thanksgiving and gratitude for the legacies of faith of the older adults in their lives and congregations. Over the years, the name and time frame of this special offering in support of the benevolent assistance given in Pinnacle Living communities have changed, but the focus has remained the same: to ensure the personal security and peace of mind of residents who have outlived their monetary resources and, through no fault of their own, become unable to pay some or all of their monthly charges.
Pinnacle Living does not receive funds through apportionments from local churches or from Virginia Conference grants. This opportunity from Mother’s Day, May 13th, through Father’s Day, June 17th, allows us to highlight our charitable mission and our vibrant communities for older adults.
Each Sunday, a new story will be posted that highlights the many ways that our residents, volunteers and team members use their gifts in service to one another and in the larger community. Included with the story will be a prayer of thanksgiving and intercession for older adults. We invited you to follow along each week at To donate, visit